Best Gurus

Professional Yoga Teachers in India Rishikesh

“ We have all the perfect trainers along with 20-50 years experience in Yoga teaching. They’ll teach you in a flexible environment and provide their full support to Yoga students. “
Yoga – Masters | Spiritual – Meditation | Pranayama – Breathing Techniques | Shatkarmas – Cleansing | Philosophy – Satsang


Yogi Bhupesh

Unleashing the power within with Bhupesh

Yogi Bhupesh , one of the protagonists of the fitness movement in Rishikesh, is a yogic healer, traditional martial art practitioner, thought leader, meditation & breathing technocrat, body energy stylist and a lot more.
At the tender age of 12, he was attracted to yoga and meditation and decided to embark on the fitness journey. A widely travelled man, he gained expertise under the tutelage of the best fitness gurus of the world. He holds double masters-one in human consciousness and yogic sciences and the other in philosophy.
Under his guidance, more than 1000 students have perfected the art of harmonizing the mind, the body and the soul through his courses on Yoga, breathing techniques and ofcourse his ultimate fitness programme (not for the frail-willed)-Martial Arts.
The Okinawan Goju Ryu style-a famous traditional martial art form is Bhupesh’s core. He believes that this form invokes inner discipline more than exterior might and agility. And it is to harness this inner strength that a right mentor and steady guidance is needed.
Having a penchant for life itself, in addition to providing guidance in yoga and martial arts, Bhupesh has organized many a popular workshops on lifeskills that deal with pertinent problems of the world as it exists today. Stress handling, effective time management, power of positivity just to name a few.

Yoga and meditation:Yoga is all about turning inwards. Having a deep understanding of Hatha, Vinyasa and Iyengar yoga, Bhupesh has helped people transcend the boundaries of niche fitness into a world of holistic wellbeing. His years of practice are well reflected in his and his pupils’ demeanour which has drawn several celebrities and the renowned to seek his guidance.
The fundamental unit of existence is breath. To treat any problem, it is prudent to start healing from the unit level.

Mind, body and soul connectivity: In our busy life, we often forget to listen our soul. We blindly follow what our mind tell us and body works accordingly. Consequently disturbing the balance between the three that is our mind , body and the soul. Through yoga and meditation this balance and rhythm can be achieved very well. Yogic guru Bhupesh has served many to attain this peace thus making life better.

Using body energies-Find the key to happiness and health:
While it is everywhere that we are governed by our energies, when it comes to mastering the art of treating yourself with positive energy by minimising the impact of negative energy, Bhupesh has a world to reveal. Learn the dynamics of energies and its impact on our anatomy and life through the man in a state of eternal bliss.
Building inner discipline through Self Hypnotism:
Whether it is yoga, meditation or martial arts, every course requires building the core discipline and one has to turn inwards and remain in a state of self- hypnotism. It isn’t easy as it sounds and requires the right mentoring and hand holding. Body consciousness is extremely important and every lock requires a different key. Which is why Mentor Bhupesh believes in providing customized solutions depending on the body type.
Here’s an opportunity to explore the whole new you and discover the treasure that lay hidden in the universe of the body.

Raj Singh

hatha and Astanga Teacher

Gokul Bisht

Anatomy and Physiology Teacher

Shashank badoni ( guest faculty)

Eclectic philosopher Teacher


Hatha yoga master Teacher